
Prince Lionheart Fireplace Guard Safety Item Review

Prince Lionheart Fireplace Guard Safety Item
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A new baby reaching toddler size presents a lot of difficulties around the house. What will he get into? How will he injure himself? What do we need to do to protect him? Hmmmmmm. It's a tough question and no matter what you do, he'll probably find something you didn't think of. Our toddler has already found a tube of diaper rash creme and spread it all over himself (primarily the face) and over the wood floor and a carpet.

Well, we've tried to do some common sense things. For example, our living room has a large fireplace with a raised brick hearth. The edge, and particularly the corners, are sharp and harsh and could cause a good wound if the baby were to fall against them. So we bought this Prince Lionheart Cushiony Fireplace Guard. I installed it in about an hour. It's a one-size-fits-all solution and I was afraid our fireplace was too big. No problem. It took a bit of cutting, but we ended up with about 6 inches of edge left over.

We don't like the looks of it, but the baby's safety is of greater importance. The guard is stuck on with some tape from 3M and there are warnings in 10 different languages that they do not guarantee that the glue will do no damage. Hmmmmm. I expect there will be damage when the guard is removed. It's an imperfect solution, but better than nothing.

Gary Peterson

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Product Description:
Prince Lionheart Fireplace Guard Safety Item Protect your curious toddler around the fireplace with this Fireplace Guard kit from Prince Lionheart. Soft closed cell foam will cushion the edges around your fireplace, protecting baby from serious injury should they fall.This kit includes 5 18-inch sections and 2 corner guards, allowing you to customize the fit to your fireplace.

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